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匿名  发表于 2021-11-23 20:50:06
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  When the rousing opening number proclaims “There is a Sucker Born Ev’ry Minute” you might say we’ve been duly warned not to expect the earth. About Cy Coleman’s music and Michael Stewart’s lyrics, which brilliantly conjure spit and sawdust romance and old-fashioned razzmatazz, there can be few complaints. And Timothy Sheader’s tightly drilled, compactly designed and wholesomely acrobatic production is unstinting in its energy and euphoria levels. But even the gasp-inducing highlight, worth the price of admission alone, in which Fitzgerald treads a tight-rope, singing as he goes, can’t disguise the lack of dramatic jeopardy in Mark Bramble’s flimsy book. The most testing facet of the story -Barnum’s affair with a dazzling Swedish singer - is little more than a sideshow. Hats off to co-producer Cameron Mackintosh for helping cheer Chichester audiences over the summer. Whether he’d be wise to transfer this anywhere less authentically atmospheric is another question.


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