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匿名  发表于 2021-11-26 02:47:02
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匿名  发表于 2021-11-26 03:12:40
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匿名  发表于 2021-11-26 03:25:18
I'm on holiday generic viagra cialis levitra  I have had one or two quite tetchy emails on this topic… It all began in May when Mattel, who owns the Scrabble brand, passed the worldwide operating rights (excluding the US and Canada) for online versions of the game to Electronic Arts (EA). This includes editions of Scrabble played on smartphones and tablets and social media sites such as Facebook. Players were warned in advance that there would be some updates but a great many users have been angered and dismayed by the number of changes, which a lot of users say have ruined the game. The response so far from Mattel and EA has been muted, to say the least, it has promised some minor tweaks, but further pressure is needed and you may wish to join the forums, on-line petitions and letter writing campaigns asking for the return of the old game. A good place to start is the Bring Back Scrabble Worldwide and NewScrabbleDislike Facebook pages at http://goo.gl/zJc2zD and http://goo.gl/5Qlh9N and you haven’t already done so, add your thoughts to the Customer Reviews section for Scrabble in the Apple App Store.


匿名  发表于 2021-11-26 03:25:20
We'd like to invite you for an interview i am off effexor  My orig iPAD cost nearly a thousand bucks some 3 years ago with 64 gig and cell system - top of the line. Unfortunately Apple does not include a upgrade OS for IOS6 that iPAD. Adding to the insult is that MS does not include orig iPAD in its trade in as well? 聽DOUBLE INSULT! 聽 LOL! 聽I have begged off of Apple products but now I can include MS as well! 聽


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